Get Your Sh!t Together – Sarah Knight

| 2 Minute Read |

Get Your Sh!t Together - Sarah KnightAs part of a girl’s holiday “ensemble” of books, I purchased ‘Get Your Sh!t Together’ at Gatwick airport.  It was bought somewhat in jest but ultimately proved to be incredibly helpful.  I’ve already reviewed one of my very favourite books The Life-Changing Magic of Not Giving a F*ck also by Sarah Knight, so her follow-up ‘Get Your Sh!t Together’ is perfect to put insight into action.

I started the book on the holiday and got about halfway through – and being embarrassingly honest – I have to confess that I didn’t finish it until six months later when I was on my Christmas break.  I know, I’m rather red-faced thinking about it given the title and intent of the book.  So no judgement, please.

It does serve to prove the much-needed point of the book, making time and space to do the things you WANT to do rather than spending all your time worrying about what you SHOULD be doing.  Sarah’s author’s note at the start of the book sums what to expect up beautifully:

“Think of it as a delightfully profane one-stop-shop for tidying your mind – and making your life easier and better.”

Say no, so that you can say yes

Interestingly, since launching Behind The Hashtag, the most asked question I’ve received is – how have you found the time?   Well first of all – if I didn’t have a design and technical guru providing the “place” I would never have got this off the ground (thank you FOREVER, Ben).  Secondly – I’ve made time by choosing what to give a f*ck about.  Right now, I could be bleaching a toilet or even my moustache, but instead, I’m sat in the garden indulging in writing book reviews and new articles for my website, because that’s what gives me joy.

If you’re looking for a different angle on prioritising your time or help in reflecting on what matters to you, Get Your Sh!t Together is the ideal start.  Though maybe don’t take six months to read it, as I did!

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